ÖAMTC - Mobility Centre
Client: Caverion, Location: Vienna

- Measurement and control equipment for: Heating, chilling, ventilation, individual room and zone control, alarm management, fire management, smoke extraction, pressure ventilation
- approx. 5,000 data points
- Hardware: Beckhoff, Belimo, Danfoss, Titec
- A range of third party couplings
Caverion has equipped the new OEAMTC mobility centre in Vienna with the latest in building management technology. The contract, with a volume of more than 7 million Euros, includes systems for heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, sprinkler and machine control as well as planning & engineering, project management and installation. Caverion has implemented XAMControl for the control system and visualisation. The OEAMTC mobility centre in Vienna consists of space for offices, conference and training rooms, a call centre, technical support and a heli-port. The overall area covers more than 27,000 m2.
From the very start, the focus of this project was on energy efficiency. The base heating load is covered by geothermal heating using separate, reversible heat pumps via ground water and deep probes and activated concrete core (400 kW). Peak load coverage is guaranteed by a gas boiler plant (780 kW). In order to guarantee an ecologically and economically sustainable building operation, a central stratified load buffer has been designed to be able to feed in any waste or recovered heat energy. In addition, the waste heat from the chiller unit can be fed back into the heating circuit. The basic load for cooling operation is done geothermally using free cooling employing ground water in three source wells and a ground/water heat pump via deep bores and the activated base plate (400 kW). Peak load is covered by a power- controlled screw compressor (847 kW) installed with dry glycol return coolers that is also used to cool the server and LAN rooms in winter months. The 9 ventilation intake and exhaust systems equipped with sustainable and highly efficient heat recuperation units move an air volume of approx. 135,000m2/hr.
The building is equipped with positive pressure ventilation systems (approx. 160,000 m2/hr of air) and smoke dilution systems (approx. 117,000 m2/hr of air). In addition to numerous wet group, water and hot water treatment systems, the sanitation unit includes groundwater extraction for watering green spaces as well as a compressed air supply.
A less technical summary:
~ 200 volume flow controllers with MP bus interface
~ 200 valve drives with MO bus interface, 19 valve drives with BACnet interface and 22 frequency converters again connected via BACnet

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